Neil Kaminar
Share comments on your build experience tell us about any special after-market components you used.:
"I am very happy with the kit. I assembled it myself and it went together well. The engine has about 1,200 miles on it now without any problems. I have a Weber downdraft carburetor and 5.5 Snyder head, which is about to be changed out with the Burtz head. I am running the Burtz cam with all new modern valve components. I have the Burtz flywheel and V8 clutch components.
I did a little blending of the intake ports. I suggest leaving the spring in for the rear seal. I also suggest filling in the recess near the rear cam bearing with JB Weld after the engine is completed and sculpting it to match the stock engine so that the chance of an oil leak there is minimized."
- Neil K.